Only 5 Views !?

Am I Out Of Touch With Reality?

I've posted enough stuff to imgur to know roughly how many views something should get. For some reason , this post I made only has gotten 5 views in 2 days. And I posted it around 11am on Sunday. So not at a weird ass hour in the middle of the night.  <-- 5 Views Only ?! WTF?!

While I am sure it's not as awesome looking as this thing I posted, this thing to 5,000 views.

This post got 2,000 views :

This post got 700 views :

This post got 3,000 views :

This post got 7,000 views:

My hypothesis for why I got low views :

 Hypothesis #1 :
Imgur is lying to me about preview image:

I am led to believe the preview image for the gallery is the image in the top-left.
However, it is more likely that the preview image is actually:

Hypothesis #2 : Imgur Impresson Throttle

Imgur throttled impressions because the gallery was full of some really "heavy" (memory wise) animated gifs.

Hypothesis #3 : I am out of touch with reality.

What I posted is not as awesome as I think and I am out of touch with reality.
I find this unlikely, as I have other images of a similar "look" to compare view counts with. Opinions of others would help me figure out if hypothesis #3 is true.

Re-creating the imgur post:

I just finished video 300 of my tutorial series on how to make an MMO using and Node . js .

We are creating a fully destructible fractal geometry side scroller game. Though coding in , the style is written like C99 with a focus on "data oriented design". Also, the renderer is webgl , which is basically an extension of C.

Advanced Tutorial Playlist : (1 minute videos) www . tinyurl . com/BOMB-PLAYLIST-001 Intermediate Tutorial Playlist :( 10 minute videos ) www . tinyurl . com/BOOM-PLAYLIST-001 If you are interested in playing this game and making levels for it, I will be adding 4-second tech demo videos to this playlist. When save & load features are done , I will film a 4-second update video announcing it. www . tinyurl . com/FRACTAL-BOMBERMAN (For Phones And Vertical Monitors) www . tinyurl . com/BOMBERMAN-FRACTAL (For Horizontal Monitors )

The tutorials explain EVERY SINGLE LINE OF CODE. Each time I add a line of code, that line of code gets a marker in the margins. For example, I can see the code here was originally written in videos #263 and #264 , I can see that in videos #275 and #283 a refactor happened. Makers closest to my 64-column limit marker ( cyan line ) are the newest changes.

If this looks cool to you, I'll let you know I am currently writing a new shader that should look BETTER than this and be 21X ( TWENTY ONE TIMES ) faster.

It is starting to get really fun to play with. And I haven't even finished all the features slated for the final renderer. I've had this renderer in my head since 2012 ( 10 years ago ). Finally focusing on it. Why 10 years ago? Some "good excuse" always comes up. Like for example... I have a patent for mechanical building blocks for making modular furniture. I need money for my 2nd patent... I could go work a roofing job right now to pay a patent lawyer so I can get my 2nd patent. OR... I can keep working on this engine, and lose my patent. I think I am going to lose my mechanical patent. The patent is just one of those "good excuses" to stop working on this engine.

Discord : KANJICODER#0255
All capitals. Tag #0255 because an unsigned byte holds values 0-to-255 inclusive. If my youtube channel is still small once I get to video number 999 I am going to take a step back to re-evaluate my sanity and life choices. -KanjiCoder

Hypothesis #4 : Imgur thinks I am spamming.

Imgur thinks I am a spammer because of all the "" links I put into the post.
Which is weird, because imgur removes clickable links now. Which is really fucking annoying.



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