It looks like we put in the NES cartridge wrong - Atomic Ivy MMO (AIM)

 Corrupted NES Cartridge - Atomic Ivy MMO

Things are starting to get interesting looking.

Hopefully as the code base reaches some sort of "critical mass" the amount of new and interesting content I have to show will be more and more frequent. These videos are VER_013 & HOR_013 , which are short summaries of where we currently are as of video #216 in the Atomic Ivy MMO tutorial series. I am trying to be super meticulous with documentation. This is an all or nothing thing. If we make a million dollar game, people will be very interested in seeing the "how it's made" style documentary series I will put together. "INFOTAINMENT" category of youtube is the most profitable technical category, which means it is CRITICAL that I make these progress update videos every time some new and interesting development can be visually captured.

We are now stamping text glyphs to the master memory.

For fun.
The glyph stamper was actually written so that we
can create an image to test the UPNG library against.
We are going to "bootstrap" our PNG library unit tests.

Step1 : Use glyph stamper to generate an image with text on it.
Step2 : Use UPNG to save image as .PNG
Step3 : xxd -c 8 -g 1 "THE.PNG"   ##  Creates Hex Dump
Step4: Hardcode the hex dump into the source code.
Step5: Hardcode the instructions used to render .PNG image in the first place.
Step6: Unit tests will then use hex dump to load binary file data into UPNG and deflate that data into the original RGBA image. That image will then be cross checked against the procedurally generate image.

This is a lot of work. But a MILLION TIMES EASIER than writing my own .PNG library. The UPNG library I am using is AWESOME but it is also very complex code I will never understand. The next best thing we can do is write a basic unit test for it to make sure it behaves properly. This also gives me sanity of mind that I haven't "accidentally deleted 1 critical character" from the UPNG library I am inlining into my MMO GAME code.



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