Tiles Of Different Sizes In Atomic Ivy MMO

We can now set tiles of different sizes , 7 sizes to choose from.

Quick Demo Videos

The tutorial video #205 has not been uploaded at this time, but when it does it will be at the links below.

We can now set tiles of different sizes. Well,
technically we could before this video, but now
it actually renders correctly.

Doesn't matter what kind of amazing data exists if all
you can render is a black screen or jumbled pixels right?

The diagnostic shader is about done. Time to move onto...
Save and load from database I think.

If you would like to follow along , you have 3 options,
however, if you are reading at the time of release of
this video, the playlists MIGHT NOT EXIST YET as they
are on a scheduled release schedule. But here they are:

1__MIN : www.tinyurl.com/BOMB-PLAYLIST-003   (KANJICODER)
10_MIN : www.tinyurl.com/BOOM-PLAYLIST-003   (NINJACODER)
1_HOUR : www.tinyurl.com/WEEB-PLAYLIST-003   ( WEEBCODER)



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