Atomic Ivy MMO - Tile Grid Density Adjustments For Auto Tile Renderer
Tile Grid Density Adjustments
Our level editor needs a grid that adjusts density as we zoom in. The grid isn't very useful if it is so dense that it is nothing but anti-aliasing artifacts. And the grid also isn't very useful if it is so coarse as to only show one single cell on screen.
We are going to build up an "anti-grid" that is more akin to "gray bathroom tile with black grout" than to a "wireframe grid".
The reasoning behind this being that we need to render our "world space" in a way that can distinguish between "void space" and "empty tile space".
Empty tile space would be an empty level with nothing in it. Perfectly safe for your player to fall into such a space.
Void space is a place where tiles can never exist. Void space will kill you if you go into it. Void space is the abyss. If this project gets along far enough I want to animate the "Eye Of God" from "Full Metal Alchemist" in the void space. It only appears if you have the misfortune to fall into this space. I do wonder if the eye in "Full Metal Alchemist" is a reference to "If you stare into the Abyss for long enough , the Abyss stares back into you."
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