Tile Engine Block-In : Atomic Ivy MMO

 Tile Engine Block-In


We have blocked in geometry tile rendering locations. Video #262 of our "Atomic Ivy MMO" series resulted in finding a bug in how we were rendering our grid. The grid was shifted to the right and down, after setting tiles this mistake was obvious. So in video #262 we added tile blocking but we also did bug fixes to our grid rendering.

I am making an MMO using JavaScript. Minimal libraries. PostGres because I am not insane and writing my own database drivers. UPNG because I am insane and have tried to make my own .PNG compressor and de-compressor and failed miserably after 3 months of trying.

Express.js ? Fuck no. I write my own routing.

Eventually I will be showing you how to write an HTTP Post with a binary payload from "scratch" using nothing but the built-in Node.js standard library. I've already done it, but we need to finish our tile rendering logic before we worry about loading and saving to a database.

We are probably going to do some modifications so the MMO's server uses a git-repo for levelmap data instead of a database. One step at a time though, this is very far into the future.



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