Hard Texture Upload Debugging : Atomic Ivy MMO

 Hard Texture Upload Debugging

Email Me : KanjiCoder@Gmail.com
Discord : KANJICODER#0255

I am making an MMO called "Atomic Ivy MMO" using Vanilla JavaScript

Sub texture push is broken. It is much more noticable when
I draw vertical strokes than when I draw horizontal strokes.
I am making a system called "HARDTEX" for "HARD TEXture uploads".

AKA: Hard refresh.

I am going to make some hard refresh presets that will hopefully help me diagnose the problem. HARDTEX should __NOT__ be used during normal game execution. It is just a utility dedicated to finding a bug.

But, like all things.... I am sure that if it is a permanent [fixture/system]
within the code base it will eventually end up being used for something other than it's original purpose of "Debugging and Sanity Checking" stuff.



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