Loading and Saving Levelpacks Using UPNG Library

Load Levels From RAM



Email Me : KanjiCoder@Gmail.com
Discord : KANJICODER#0255

Loading levelpacks from [ R.A.M. / RAM ] is now working.
Hopefully adding the extra code to load/save from disk won't
be too hard. Load/Save from the WEB will be very difficult.

Ever roll your own HTTP-POST with a binary payload? I was lucky enough to find someone on stack overflow who had some example code of how to do it. Concatting array buffers for your payload is tricky. Because you need to convert the text to binary without it getting corrupted.

And UTF-8 and Binary , while very similar, are not the same thing.

And it's an easy mistake to make, HTTP protocol works with text payloads... And you need to pack a binary payload into the middle of a text payload. If you encode the text as UTF-8 , it will corrupt your binary payload.

TL;DR : Be careful you how concat your array buffers together when creating a binary http-post request.


UPDATE : We are using the UPNG JavaScript library to do this.


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